@techreport{Lappalainen:bt:2016, author = {S.~Lappalainen}, title = {Virheen mittaus valkoisen valon 3D-skannauksessa}, institution = {Aalto University School of Science}, year = 2016, type = {B.Sc. Thesis (in {F}innish)}, url = {pdf/SamiLappalainenKandi.pdf} }
@mastersthesis{Aalto:dt:2009, author = {A.~Aalto}, title = {A low-order glottis model with nonturbulent flow and mechanically coupled acoustic load}, school = {TKK}, year = {2009}, address = {Institute of Mathematics}, owner = {aaalto}, url = {pdf/diplomityo_atte_aalto.pdf} }
@phdthesis{Aalto:D:2014, author = {A.~Aalto}, title = {Infinite Dimensional Systems: {P}assivity and {K}alman Filter Discretization}, school = {Aalto University School of Science}, year = {2014}, type = {Doctoral dissertation}, address = {Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis}, url = {pdf/Dissertation_Atte.pdf} }
@phdthesis{Murtola:L:2014, author = {T.~Murtola}, title = {Modelling vowel production}, school = {Aalto University School of Science}, year = {2014}, type = {Licentiate Thesis}, address = {Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis}, url = {pdf/Murtola_lis_thesis_final.pdf} }
@phdthesis{Palo:L:2011, author = {J.~Palo}, title = {A wave equation model for vowels: Measurements for validation}, school = {Aalto University School of Science}, year = {2011}, type = {Licentiate Thesis}, address = {Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis}, url = {pdf/isoL.pdf} }
@techreport{TM:MAACOSP, author = {T.~Murtola}, title = {Measurement of acoustic and anatomic changes in orthognatic surgery patients}, institution = {Aalto University School of Science}, year = 2011, type = {Special assignment, Tfy-99.5111, {B}iophysics and {B}iomedical {E}ngineering}, url = {pdf/Murtola_Special_assignment.pdf} }
@techreport{LA:KPLPVYM, author = {L.~Altarriba}, title = {Kurkunp\"a\"an pystysuuntaisen liikkeen ja perustaajuuden vaihtelun yhteys magneettikuva-aineistossa}, institution = {K\"aytt\"aytymistieteiden laitos Helsingin yliopisto}, year = 2013, type = {Fonetiikan kandidaatintutkielma}, note = {In Finnish}, url = {pdf/Kurkunpaan_pystysuuntaisen_liikkeen.pdf} }
@mastersthesis{Kivela:dt:2015, author = {A.~Kivelä}, title = {Acoustics of the vocal tract: {MR} image segmentation for modelling}, school = {Aalto University School of Science}, year = {2015}, address = {Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis}, owner = {akivela}, url = {pdf/sci_2015_Kivela_Atle.pdf} }
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